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Super Sonic has also appeared in a number of spin-off games, often times as a secret “unlockable character.” The racing game Sonic R makes Super Sonic the hardest character to collect, needing to acquire the seven Chaos Emeralds which are hidden on the first four tracks, then needing to place first in each race once finding them. If placed second or lower, the game will unceremoniously state the emerald was not won, the player needing to try their hand at the race once more. Once unlocked, the character proves to be much faster than any other character, with the ability to hover over water with the slightest acceleration. Along with his towering double-jump, the character proves to be the most effective in the game, at the same time disrupting the balance the other characters have with each other. As the world was reset in the events of Sonic: Genesis (Sonic the Hedgehog #226-229), Sonic lost his knowledge of Super Sonic, until, while in his final battle with Eggman in the Chaos Emerald-charged Death Egg, Sonic absorbed the power of the seven Emeralds through a dislodged power cable, gaining his Super form and defeating Eggman. After doing so, in order to save the planet from being torn apart by seismic activity, Sonic channeled the power of his form in order to perform Chaos Control and revert the world to its natural state. Such was the terror of Super Sonic that for much of the series, the demon was separated from Sonic, causing havoc in the Special Zone until trapped by the Omni-Viewer. He eventually escaped but was hit with a bout of ammnesia, spending the latter half of the series trying to adapt to normal life with newly found friends Ebony and Pyjamas. In the last story Super Sonic returns to Mobius, finds the Chaos Creature and becomes evil again, however Ebony manages to merge him back into Sonic, returning to the series’ original status quo. Появление в играх. M oneamour com.Здесь нужно дать конкретной программе разрешение управлять звонками.